Eat Healthy, Control Your Insulin !!

Hello Everyone,
I had a nice Father and Son in the office last night, and the son asked if he could ask about nutrition, and of course I said YES. He revisited some information about the glycemic index and carbohydrate choices, and then went right to the question of, "What would recommend for a overall healthy eating style?"
There was only one answer to me for this question, control your insulin. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas in response to sugar in the bloodstream. The more sugar in the bloodstream, the more insulin secreted. Insulin allows sugar in the bloodstream to be taken up by the cells of the body, which is a good thing, but too much too quickly can be bad. Insulin is also a very anabolic hormone. It causes many things to be made in the body, which can be good or bad. Some of the bad is the production of triglycerides, fatty acids and fatty tissue, and cholesterol. Excess triglycerids in the blood stream can lead to heart disease, and high blood pressure, etc. Excess fatty acids and fatty adipose tissue can easily lead to diabetes, which makes the amount of insulin secreted in the body even higher and more out of control. And with that increased amount of insulin secreted, you get more triglycerides and more fatty tissue being produced, it is a vicious circle that spins itself and can be hard to break.
So getting back to his question. I simply told him, control your insulin secretion by what you eat. To do this, you must pay attention to the glycemic index of carbohydrates. If you would like to read about the Glycemic Index, click here, and then scroll down to the glycemic index article. By eating the correct carbohydrates, and / or combining them with protein sources at eat meal, you can keep your insulin levels low throughout the day. This is also known as maintaining a level blood sugar. It is an excellent way of maintaining overall body health, keeping heart disease and diabetes out of your future. Now his father also followed up with a question, and asked, "If there was one thing that you would recommend to stay away from, what would it be?" This was extremely easy for me, and the answer was "sugar". Sugar equals high insulin, that's it! And when you cycle thru every day of your life with sugar spikes and high insulin secretion many times a day, your production of yucky fatty tissue and triglycerides is continuous, and very very very very very bad for your health. Not only did I answer sugar, but also flour, wheat and white. Now I'm sure most of you just raised both eyebrows. Sorry about that. But flour is not that great for the body, and causes insulin too much. Especially since most people snack on flour products, and/or eat them at every singe meal, sometimes as the only source of food at the meal. Yes, bread and pasta, but also nearly everything in a box in your pantry is made of enriched flour, white or wheat, both are not great! Especially for kids!!!!
No I know that your thinking, well then, what the heck do I eat?? Well, learn about the glycemic index, pick foods that you like and check them against the GI index chart. I like fruits, veggies, rice (basmati and brown), and potatoes, sweet and white. And of course, balancing your meal with protein and carbs is a perfect way to control and keep low insulin secretion, and not overeating! And yes, I do have relax and have a flour tortilla with my fajitas when I want. The idea is the big picture. The eating style that you adopt, or teach your children, that you or they use for the majority of your or their life. That is what allows the body to maintain health. Thanks for reading and hope his makes sense. This is a huge topic with lots of information. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone or text me, or reply to the email with questions.
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Dr Mckim